West Roxbury Dental Arts

4 Foods That Can Fight Bad Breath


Parsley, basil and mint all contain oils that can temporarily mask other less enjoyable odours.


If you can swap out acidic fruits for apples, then you’re going to be greatly reducing the risk of bad breath.

Apples can break down the compounds that lead to bad breath, they are essentially a natural mouth cleaner.

Melons are also a superb fruit option as they are high in vitamin C which not only keeps bacteria in check but also helps fight gum disease and gingivitis.


Spinach helps neutralise internal PH levels and so counteract bad breath.

As well as spinach, kale, lettuce and cabbage can also all be foods that help in the fight against bad breath.


Drinking water helps to keep the mouth hydrated and saliva levels up, denying the bacteria of the dry mouth in which they thrive.

Water also washes away traces of food which can cause bad smells.