West Roxbury Dental Arts

Top Tips for Dealing with Dental Anxiety

Up to 20% of people in the US avoid going to the dentist due to suffering from dental anxiety. Below are our tips to help put you at ease with your trip to the dentist!

Firstly, don’t be embarrassed – you are not alone. A large proportion of the US do not visit their dentist regularly, it is nothing to be ashamed of and you will not be met with disapproval. In fact, it is the opposite! We understand that a trip to the dentists can be nerve wracking, and we want to make that experience as easy and comfortable for you as possible!

Secondly, make the practice aware of how you are feeling. The fact you have booked the appointment alone is a huge achievement, so well done for making that step! Your dentist and their team want to help you, so allow them to put you at ease by discussing what exactly it is about the appointment that is causing your anxiety. Is it pain based, or a past bad experience? The more the team knows, the more effective they can be at making your next trip to the dentists a positive one.